Today's problem is to generate the first 1000 numbers in the sequence of Hamming numbers. More information on Hamming numbers can be found at the Programming Praxis blog post.
When I first saw this problem my mind jumped right to an imperative way of solving it. Start building up a list of numbers, keep checking to see if I had a 1000, and then print the list. Although this would work, it didn't seem very Clojureish.
That's when I remebered lazy sequences. A lazy sequence will generate the numbers as I need them. Then I can just ask for a 1000 and it will generate a 1000 numbers (maybe a few more, but we'll never see these). Here's the code:
;;Hamming Numbers (defn hamming-generator ([] (hamming-generator (sorted-set 1))) ([some-set] (let [n (first some-set) s (disj some-set n)] (cons n (lazy-seq (hamming-generator (conj s (* n 2) (* n 3) (* n 5)))))))) (def hamming-numbers (take 1000 (hamming-generator)))
The first line in the function is there to seed the function with a "1". The real meat of the function goes like this: I bind the first value in the sorted set to n
and then I remove n
from the sorted set and bind the new set to s
. From there I create a seq
with n
at the front and a lazy-seq
representing the future values at the end. I don't get a stack overflow with the recursive call because lazy-seq
only calls hamming-generator
when a new number is needed. lazy-seq
caches the values from the previous calls to hamming-generator
and passes the last generated set to hamming-generator
to get the next value in the sequence. Nice and elegant and it does all the book keeping work for you!
I'm not pretty sure but in a first view
ReplyDeletes (disj some-set n)
is not the same than:
s (rest n) because n always is the first term...
It seem more clojureish
I decided to go with disj because I wanted to make sure I got a sorted set after removing the element. Doing a rest can change the collection so something else. Try:
ReplyDelete(type (sorted-set :a :b :c))
(type (disj (sorted-set :a :b :c) :a))
(type (rest (sorted-set :a :b :c)))